Giving Tuesday Reflection
I want to thank you for the gifts God provided through your generosity during Giving Tuesday in December. The many gifts testify to God’s goodness and your love for His Kingdom expanding in McPherson, Kansas!
We received several gifts totaling nearly $4,000 on Giving Tuesday (12/3/2024). More gifts were given in the few days following Giving Tuesday totaling an additional $3,500! We give God all the glory, and are committed to being good stewards of your support. The dollars given will go toward church planting in rural communities wherever the Lord leads.
Please pray for the unity and testimony of CrossPoint McPherson to reach people who do not yet have a relationship with Christ, and that many of them would come to know him as Savior and Lord.
Value Focus: Mobilization
During the fall sermon series, Unleashed: Our Seven-Year Vision, we were introduced to a new expression of CrossPoint’s values as a church, mobilization. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are a family of missionaries sent out to proclaim the Gospel to a world in need of him.
Mobilization, at the core, takes Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:19-20 seriously:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Chances are you have heard or read this passage hundreds of times. I have always focused on “Go” but the imperative, or command, in this passage is actually to “make disciples.” That is, call people to commit to Jesus as Lord and Savior and help them grow in their faith. Go, baptize, and teach various facets of the “making disciples” process. At CrossPoint, we boldly empower every believer to make disciples through relationships, fostering an ongoing culture of Kingdom advancement.
20-30-1 Vision
By the year 2031, we are aiming to be a church network of at least 20 locations across the state of Kansas. After planting CrossPoint McPherson, that leaves planting/replanting eight more locations in six years…a God-sized goal for sure!
Let’s break down the numbers: 20 locations, 30% of CrossPointers actively making disciples, and each location reaching 1 more percent of their community. This will not happen apart from the mobilization of God’s people living as Everyday Missionaries.
How can this be done? What could this look like? For some, it may mean diligently praying for God to bring about additional opportunities to plant or replant a church. Others may choose to financially contribute directly to the launching of new locations. Still, others may decide to rearrange their life and move to a new community for the purpose of advancing God’s Kingdom. Ask God what your role will be in our 2031 Vision.
It is exciting to consider what our church will look like by 2031. What new communities will CrossPoint call home? How many lives will be transformed because Jesus’ disciples mobilized and lived their lives as Everyday Missionaries? Be prepared. When you plant a church, anything can happen!
Jake Ronning
Advancement Director | The Harvester Foundation